Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas :)

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year but then agai it can be a hard time of the year too. We all have the family drama, the stress, the excitement, the jealousy, the sadness for the members who aren't there. But how do we balance it all? We can't and we don't. At least that's the answer for me. It's not all about the presents but it seems to be a big part of Christmas and it's certaintly a perk. We forget that it's not about the presents but about the fact that it's a chance to spend time with each other and celebrate the lord's birth. So if you didn't get everything you wanted be thankful you even got something. There's many people who didn't. If you can look back and say you smiled and laughed with people you care about, be thankful because you're one of the lucky ones. Stop counting the things that you don't have and start counting the things that you do because there's always gonna be someone better off than you or getting more or making more money. That's just life. It's not all a competition, so just enjoy what you do have and let go of what you don't.

Blonde Bitch

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